Monday, July 19, 2010

Pea pods and Pale Ale

When the spring yields to summer and most of the days become warm and wet, there is a beautiful drama in the skys.

You can stand in our yard and see a 360 degrees of drama. The wind creating amazing clouds to the north, just as you look to the south into a thunder head pelting the town with hail, wind and rain. The darkness that covers the daylight and the constant noise of thunder and wind are so exhilerating and frightening at the same time.
It's a temporary drama, though. You can see the days ticking by between the last cold and the first frost, then the long cold winter again.

With the weather comes the delicious pleasures of spring. The chore of picking every day after work, is followed by the pleasure of eating from the garden.

I've discovered that pea pods are wonderful with a super pale ale.

Hours of work planting, mulching, weeding, staking and nurturing are so worth it when the refrigerator and freezer begin to fill with the harvest.

The work of planting and the excitement of watching everything grow eventually gives way to the problem of what to do with all of the food. Friends and family will only take so many zucchini and peppers before they are overwhelmed and begin to avoid you. I am trying to find a food bank that will be interested in distrubuting the largess.