Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sella and Cetti Bays Hike and Snorkel Trip

On Friday we decided to combine 2 activities, snorkeling and hiking. We took a 1.5 mile trail 440 feet down to the Sella Bay. It was a beautiful Guam day (high 89, low 75, winds out of the east at 10-15). We headed down the trail thru the jungle. Going down was pretty easy. We only lost the trail a couple of times. When we got to the river (not much more than a steam--it's the dry season) we just waded thru it all the way to the beach.

Sella Bay can only be accessed from the trail or a boat. It was beautiful and deserted. It looked just like the beach in the movie "Castaway".

Guam has amazing coral reefs, unfortunately, to get to the water on most of the beaches you have to walk over the coral, damaging it. We did some snorkeling here at Sella Bay, but the water was a little murky because the river ran into it. So we walked around this bay to Cetti Bay. It was just as beautiful and desolate, but it was so difficult to enter the water to snorkel, we had to step on so much coral. Once we did get into the water, the reef was amazing. We saw so many fish, different colored corals and other sea life. It was really beautiful.

Hiking back up the trail was a lot more difficult. There were places you had to use ropes to pull yourself up a steep rock face. I didn't drink enough water and got a little overheated. I waited in the shade while Heidi and Don figured out which way the trail went.

If I lived here I would go on hikes and snorkel all the time. It's amazing to be in the jungle one minute, then come out to a grand view of the ocean the next. And to swim in the coral reefs and see all the life that lives within it, is really amazing.

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