Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tumon Bay

Looking north toward Two Lover's Point from Mata 'pang Beach at Tumon Bay.

Tumon is where most of the tourism is. Guam attracts lots of vacationers from Japan. They come for the beautiful empty beaches, fancy hotels and shopping, shopping, shopping. Compared to the cost of goods in Japan, Guam is a great bargain.

There is a big upscale Galleria, Gelatio shops and all sort of tourist stores (including Hard Rock Cafe). We went to big Aquarium where you walk thru tunnels inside the aquarium and see amazing sea life that is typical of what is in the reefs and seas around Guam.

There is a really long stretch of sandy beach, at Tumon, where you can wind surf, snorkel, swim, jet ski and sun bathe. The sandy beaches are not common to Guam, most of the beaches here are rocky, coral stretches that make getting to the water difficult. (No matter where you go into the water you must wear coral shoes. You have to step very carefully, if you slip you'll get cut on coral. A regular ritual after swimming in the ocean is washing and treating all coral cuts and scrapes with antibiotic ointment. It's very easy to get a bacterial infection from the coral.)

There are also a lot of Japanese wedding chapels along this beach, too. We walked most of the sandy stretch before cutting thru the Hilton pool area to the main street and business district. It was amazingly uncrowded everywhere we went.

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