Saturday, May 15, 2010

Two Lovers Point...

The Chamorro legend of the Two Lovers is that a beautiful Chamorro maiden was being forced into a marriage with someone she didn't love. Her true love was a strong Chamorro warrior. So instead of being separated forever, the maiden and the warrior tied their hair together and jumped of this outcropping of coral very high above the ocean. It's a story that has many versions on Guam. The view is quit fantastic.

In addition to the ocean views, there is this really cool DEEP chasm at Two Lovers Point. It makes your toes tingle to look down. I could only sort-of look down, because it was really deep and frightening even with a waist high rail.

Me and my warrior-could not tie our hair together because one of us is hair challenged and we got to marry our true loves.

The picture does not do justice to the amazing view. Despite all of the dumpy buildings and mundane businesses in the towns, Guam is fabulously beautiful and I have yet to see more that 10 people together on a beach (they were Japanese tourists).

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